Sunday 5 December 2010

05/12/10 Account Roundups

As promised, the account figures as they currently stack up, just with a little less detail than usual.

Account 1: Pro tips strategy account
Overall account value is now £1235.99, about a 4.5% increase on last weeks figure. A total return so far of 23.5%.

Account 2: Tony Loton's 'position trading' strategy account
Overall account value is now £940.35, around a 9% increase on last weeks figure. However this is a total loss of 6% on the account.

It's interesting to see that after those good last few days for the FTSE that account 2 jumped up nearly double the amount of account 1. This is probably down to picking stocks on the dips rather than blind buying of share tips that may/may not be near a support level in their price. In fact it is becoming increasingly obvious that the spread betting companies are well aware of which stocks are 'tipped' and are adjusting their spreads accordingly. There were several tips over the last few weeks that just weren't worth buying as their spreads were as wide as 15% on some!
Obviously I want both accounts to make money overall and I still have a real interest in finding out which strategy pays off the most (if either do!) over the coming months.
Hopefully some of you will stick around to see...
Trade well next week guys!

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