Friday, 22 October 2010

Pro tips bought

As stated yesterday it was my intention to buy some of the pro share tips I received. So today out of the 5 share tips I got, I have purchased 4 of them. One I didnt purchase as the share price is quite high and it would have required a fair chunk of my acount capital just to cover the position.
So these are the new positions I opened:
Blinx @88.72
Booker Group @54.14
Obtala Resources @44.11
Walker Greenback @39.6
All these have around a 10-15% stop loss applied. Hopefully one of them will turn a decent profit in time. Remember the mantra of "a position trade is a short term trade gone well!"

I also made a new position over in account 2 (the position trading strategy account). I purchased a £1 position of Punch Taverns @74.6.
I wont be doing any more trading now, the only trades will be ones which reach their stop loss and as the FTSE looks pretty stable at the moment I am hoping no trades will close out today.
I'll post current standings in both accounts on a Sunday I think.

Have a good weekend everyone, and remember follow my trades at your own risk. This blog is for educational purposes only and not intended as financial advice in regards to spread betting.

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